
今天是学校放假的第一天,对那些不是 form 5 的人来说。虽然如此,我也去了学校开会,因为我是明年新春晚会的筹委。第一次和这么多不太熟悉的人合作,希望我们能够合作愉快!:) 我的职位是场,就是那些催促表演者准时上台表演之类的那些人。我这次的合作伙伴有陛莲,景源和一个 form 4  pengawas龙籍康。 开会时主席讲了一下每个人的工作岗位。此外,我们也必须做一份新春晚会的策划书交上去。天啊!这是我第一次做这些东西,若做不好的话请别怪我!>< 
Well, 是时候进入今天的重点. Today only I found that the PMR results will be giving out on 23rd of Dec. OMG!! It's before Christmas!! What if I get an unacceptable result? I don't have the mood to celebrate X'mas already. I really don't have confidence to get a good result. *sigh Well, this is just the "Disappointment 1", here is the part 2. As I said, in our plan, we are going to hang out at Sunway Pyramid for ice skating next week. But unfortunately, I can't find any public transports that can we take to go over there! So we've to call off this plan huh?? I don't want!!! I want ice skating! 
Really hope there will be a miracle...


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