
Showing posts from February, 2011

《映》新春晚会 Chinese New Year Spring Festival Celebration

26/2/2011 , 星期六 , 对我来说也是一个难忘的日子. 因为当天我有表演, 也是我第一次参与新春晚会. 我是新春晚会的筹委, 职位是催场. 8pm, 晚会正式开始. 我也开始忙了. 虽然只是催场, 看起来是蛮简单工作,  可是我还是很紧张, 深怕来不及把表演者催到后台去. 话不多说, 就让照片让大家回顾当晚的节目吧!! :)  *当天的节目流程表,  1. 开幕 -- 荧光棒 & 花 2. 武术 -- 《鼓。舞》 3. 扯铃 -- 《铃。空间》 4. 舞铃 -- 《舞铃大会》 5. 舞蹈 --  《秧歌舞》 《Young 歌舞》 6. 戏剧 -- 《湫湫寻亲日记》 7. 杂技 8. 灯光铃 -- 《荧火相传》 9. 华乐  10. 华乐, 西洋乐对比 11. 歌唱 -- 《我的未来不是梦》, 《爱如潮水》 12. 特别嘉宾 -- 刘界辉 13. 闭幕 -- 手语 《感恩。尊重。爱》 4S2 :) 别抢我的她!! x( 司仪 司仪 司仪 4S2 开幕 扯铃 [新生]  扯铃 [旧生]  舞铃 舞蹈 《秧歌舞》 舞蹈 《Young 歌舞》 戏剧 杂技 歌唱 《我的未来不是梦》-- Derick & Wen Hui 歌唱 《爱如潮水》 吉他手 -- Bryan  鼓手 -- Zhi Yong  钢琴手 -- Joshua  特别嘉宾 -- 刘界辉 ♥ 人潮 闭幕 团体照 I 团体照  II 在此, 想告诉大家, 我们的新春晚会圆满结束!!!! 也成功的演出!!  谢谢大家的支持!!  感恩、感谢!  其实, 我很感激这次的新春晚会, 因为它制造了很多机会给我和他, 让我有更多时间见到他, 和他聊天 ♥ 


情人节,对我们这些单身贵族来说只不过是一个很普通的日子。与平时不一样的是, 街上有很多一对对的情侣。 我不知道你是否和她开始了, 我只知道当我看到你们在一起时,我心里很不好受。 *是在吃醋吗? 说什么我星座和你的星座是最配的,我才不信!那只不过是骗人的玩意儿! 只是有时候我会自欺欺人的相信它。 或许我是时候把你放下,把你忘记了。 可是要忘记一个你喜欢的人并不是那么容易的。 我需要时间,只有时间能冲淡一切。 时间,永远是最好的解药。 :) 老师曾赠我一句话:“ 把他活在心里;有空时,把记忆拿出来偷想,足矣 ! ” 我多么希望我能做得到。 我喜欢你,你知道吗? ♥

Chinese New Year Party ­­­♥

Had a great and fun party at Rynn's house last night. Many people attended the party. We watched the movie Saw right after I reached his house. The movie was freaking disgusting!! Luckily I'm not eating at that time or I'll vomit out all the things. lol. And, the movie had many f*** words. It appeared in every single sentence. I wonder that the director always say f*** too?  We gambled, we played, we PARTY!! Our party mood was turned on, but I think someone's was off as they were not feeling well and drunk. Drank to much beer already :P  Well, I played Ken's DSLR last night. A new experience of taking photos. DSLR can capture HD pictures,  love it so muchhhhhh! ♥ Now only I know why people always yearn for a DSLR .  Here is some photos from Ken and YiBin's DSLR :D  car racing o.o  gaming~ buying KFC watching Saw   Disgusting scene =X m&ms ♥ when Rynn was a kid :)   mahjong!   the mahjong p...

Happy Chinese New Year!!! ♥

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!!! :D  Although it is a week of holiday for CNY, but teachers still gave us tons of home works!! Argh!!!  I really don't have the mood to complete my home works... =X  Sejarah essay, I've done it. BM karangan, I dono how to write =X Sivik home works, teachers asked abt what is the wawasan of  Datuk Lee Chong Wei, how do i know? I was not him... =X English oral script, Science and Technology is the title, I really have no idea what to write about! BC presentation, we have the group already, but we haven't plan to go whose house to complete it.  OMG! I really don't want such a holiday!  Why must teachers give us so many home works as our Angpows??? I don't want!! :(