
Showing posts from April, 2011
今天心血来潮,想写些东西。 昨天我的心情非常的烂! 应该是看了一些我不想看到的东西吧! 我还以为你不会向她回应些什么的, 结果你还是回应了。 我知道她别有用意。 她喜欢你。(应该是) 难道你感觉不到吗? 你说她不应该对你有任何期望, 这句话应该也是说给我听的吧? 没有结果,不会有结果。 朋友都这样告诉我。 其实, 他们不说, 我自己也晓得。 可是, 这又能怎样? 要放弃你,我办不到。 要忘记你,我也办不到。 唯有时间能解决一切的问题。 就让一切顺其自然吧! 总有一天我会脱离这苦海的! 无论如何,谢谢你陪我聊了一整夜的天。=)

All The Best !!!

Monday, (18/4/2011), such a memorable day.  Finally, Mr. Wong left us, he left all connaughtians, he left SMK Taman Connaught.  In order to thank him for supporting Chinese Language Society, we performed a sign language.  I was like very excited and happy as I could perform for him. I appreciated that. Well, when on the stage performing the sign language, I saw him was like crying. He's touched.  I felt crying, too :'(  Later, it was gift giving ceremony. Some students of 4S2 went up just to give him the DIY cardboard and our wishes. I saw his the tears rolling in his eyes. I couldn't stand for it already, so I cried.  He cried too when he walked out from the hall.  Goodbye Mr. Wong. All the Best!! We ♥ You !! I, miss him :'(  walked into the hall speech 1  speech 2  speech 3  Mr. Wong giving the speech Korean dance  sign language  cardboard for Mr. Wong :') tears in his ey...


感觉上, 我喜欢你的事被传的轰轰烈烈的, 甚至已经传到你耳边了。 它, 不再是一个秘密了; 它, 现在是一个公开的秘密。 我不知道当你知道后你会有什么反应, 你能当作什么也没发生吗? 你能不要避开我吗? 我们是朋友,永远的朋友,对吧?


今天,是我们上 Mr Wong 的最后一堂课。 虽然如此,我还是想睡觉 -.- 他告诉我们,不要伤心。 可是,他越是叫我们不要伤心,越是弄到我们更伤感。 如果说我舍得他,这是假的; 如果说我不伤心,这也是假的。 无疑的,他的确是个好老师。 他走了,我看我们会更难了解高级数学吧! 无论如何,天下无不散之宴席。 Wish him All The Best in his new school :) 
你是什么时候闯进我的生活的? 是你, 让我时常疑神疑鬼。 是你, 让我不分昼夜地想着自己喜欢的人。 是你, 让我有决心把自己包装得更好。 是你, 让我对生活充满憧憬。 是你, 为我的感情世界添上五彩缤纷的颜色。 你, 对我很重要,你知道吗? ♥ 

Yee Zheng's Birthday Celebration

Whee~~ Today, 3rd April, is Yee Zheng's 16th birthday! So, we decided to celebrate at Pavilion. Initially, we wanted to go Shabu One to celebrate, but then the this celebration end up with singing K at Red Box Plus as we thought sing K is more worthy than Shabu One. While waiting for others arrival, we walked here and there. So bored. We decided to have a drink at Chatime but unfortunately there was crowded. Then we went the Snowflake. Same situation happened here. * sigh After they reached, while waiting for the K session, we walked our own way. So, Xiao Wen, Jia Ying and I went for hi-tea. I don't know what's the shops called -.-  Lets photos tell you all what happened today. Enjoy =)  Empty cups  Nice car :D but don't know what's the name Hoho~~ They looked like in the poster :D Yee Zheng and Justin Bieber  Superb big slipper  So cute xD LOL photo  o.o Turntable  Like this :) ♥ hmmm......

谢谢你 :)

你对我很好。 应该说,你对每个人都很好。 我不知道会不会喜欢上你,可是我希望不会。 因为, 我的心很小,所以只能住得下一个人,那就是他。 而且, 这样的话也显得我很花心。 在交谈方面,你远远比他好很多。 至少, 你不会很冷的回应我。 至少, 你很会说笑话。 至少, 你会挖苦我,和我闹着玩。 至少, 你会当我是好朋友。。。 这些事,他应该不会对我做得出来。 不过, 我相信,这只是一时的感动。 这样的感觉会很快就会消失了,对吧? 我不应该对你有任何的遐想。 嗯!就这样吧!=)