Hello friends~ 
I've been quite busy these days so I didn't upload the photos.
So, the photos are here :DDD 

 I found this at outside of the cinema @ Viva Home~

宣传活动的车来到了 Viva Home :D

那车很可爱对吗? x)



Jason 贾森 —— 他声音超好听的! ♥

Royce 陈志康 —— 我 Dj 届的偶像 :D

Bernard 邱文博 —— He's cute!! >w<

The director of the movie~ 

Sign session :)

with director and Jason~

Sign on my comics seriously x) 

He always do some cute actions LOL

with Royce and Ah Beng 林德荣 :D ♥

can you see me ? :P

yeah, I definitely think that I'm insane =.=

Royce drew a on the comic x)


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